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From the Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía (ITE) we aim to facilitate the process of sustainable and efficient energy transition to companies and society.


Solutions for an energy-smart world

At the Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía we have more than 30 years of experience, which makes us an international benchmark in the development of technological solutions that enable companies to move towards a sustainable energy world. We want to help in the energy transition process to enable decarbonisation and the efficient use of new renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources.

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ITE is a private non-profit association of companies. As an Energy Technological Centre, ITE is registered in the Register of Technological Centres of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, number 74.

Our aim is the generation of knowledge and the development of technologies that respond to the challenges posed by the energy transition, and that we transfer to the companies favouring the increase of their competitiveness, from technology and innovation.

We have been working for and with companies for more than 3 decades, since its foundation in 1994 on the initiative of companies and with the support of the Generalitat Valenciana through the Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial, IVACE (Valencian Institute for Business Competitiveness). We are a Research Centre in agreement with the Polytechnic University of Valencia, UPV, and we are part of the Network of Technological Institutes of the Valencian Community, REDIT.

Our presence in European countries such as Spain, Italy, France and Germany, as well as in other parts of the world, such as China, Peru, Chile, Colombia and Morocco, allows us to position ourselves as an international benchmark in the energy and technology sector.


Generation and transfer of knowledge and technology to address new challenges in the energy



To be the technological benchmark in energy transformation, based on excellence, science and innovation, for the sustainable development of companies in a collaborative and integrated manner.


The principles underpinning ITE’s actions and decisions are:


We work for excellence and innovation through professionalism, knowledge generation and continuous improvement.

The commitment

We are committed to people, our customers, business and society.


We act with professional ethics, integrity, independence and impartiality.


We enjoy teamwork and collaborate openly and inclusively to achieve common goals.

What ITEcan offer you

ITE’s mission is to generate and transfer knowledge and technology to address the new challenges in the energy sector together with our clients and partners.

We seek excellence in all our projects and that is why we strive to make it easier for companies to achieve their technological objectives, overcoming the challenges faced by the sector.

At ITE we seek to consolidate our position as a technological benchmark in energy transformation, based on excellence, science and innovation. We want to actively promote the sustainable development of companies through long-term collaborations, where our client always benefits, as we set common goals. We integrate with our clients’ teams in our projects, thus achieving technological progress focused on companies and their efficiency.

Specialised insearch and certification

We have close to 100 professionals specialised in research and certification who are available to work on R&D&I projects closely linked to our customers. For years we have made an effort to retain talent and try to make the most of the experience gained from hundreds of technological initiatives in which we participate each year. We share all this experience and knowledge with companies by collaborating in new projects and also with customised training.

Shall we talk? 

Contact us using the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.