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From the Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía (ITE) we have the objective of facilitating the process of sustainable and efficient energy transition to companies and society.



Decarbonization through thermal storage systems applied to buildings and industrial processes with high energy demand. 


The European Union’s “2030 climate & energy framework” strategy (Link) sets the direction for European policies and objectives with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030.  This framework also calls for an increase of 32% in the share of renewable energies and a 32.5% improvement in energy efficiency. To contribute to the achievement of these objectives, the project proposes to advance in the decarbonization of energy-intensive industry through the implementation of thermal storage systems. Specifically, a systematized methodology will be developed that will allow the sizing and analysis of the technical-economic and environmental viability of low-impact thermal solutions based on thermal storage, as well as evaluating the suitability and advantages of implementing intelligent management strategies to optimize the energy, economic and environmental balance of the system. All this will be easily adaptable to use cases in different contexts of the building and industrial sector and to different company decarbonization strategies.   


Solutions for the sizing of systems with thermal storage will be studied and the economic and environmental advantages of implementing intelligent management strategies will be evaluated, considering the integration of requirements to adapt to energy saving certification standards (CAE). All of this will be easily adaptable for use cases in different contexts. This general objective encompasses the following:

  • Identify what parameters are necessary to characterize thermal demand in the industrial and service sectors. 
  • Define indicators adapted to energy saving certification standards that reflect the economic and environmental benefits of implementing thermal storage facilities. 
  • Evaluate different alternatives for improving energy efficiency and decarbonization of thermal systems adapted to specific use cases. 
  • Convey to companies the feasibility and economic and environmental advantages of integrating thermal storage systems and apply intelligent control strategies for their management. 
  • To evaluate the demand management capacity and flexibility provided by thermal storage systems. 
  • To establish a methodology and guide for the analysis, sizing and implementation of thermal storage systems that make energy demand more flexible through intelligent control of thermal storage. 


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  • Model for characterizing the thermal demand of different processes and environments 
  • Sizing methodology for thermal storage facilities. 
  • Study of the economic and environmental benefits of using intelligent energy storage management strategies 


192.112,50 €



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