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From the Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía (ITE) we have the objective of facilitating the process of sustainable and efficient energy transition to companies and society.


Performance improvement through the deployment of Digital Energy Twins and productive application to the value chain of the binomial Water treatment and Industrial production sector. 


The new challenges for climate change adaptation include achieving energy neutrality by 2050. Therefore, national strategic plans state the need to overcome deficiencies in energy and process efficiency in treatment plants, renewable energies, GHG emissions and by-products for the improvement of processes with an impact on energy and climate objectives, and circular economy. In particular, both urban and industrial WWTPs, large consumers of these resources, as well as largely responsible for water management in our environment, have been called to lead the energy transition with high standards of demand, as reflected in the new Commission Directive, now in preparation, regarding effluent quality. The higher energy consumption associated with increasingly worse performances, the difficulty to find solutions that minimize the energy consumption of the automation system and the uncertainty, due to the difficulty to quantify the energy expenditure of that stage make it necessary to address these limitations with the implementation of this project.  


The main objective of the project is to reduce the energy cost of industrial water treatment processes, maintaining the quality and productivity of the associated manufacturing process and achieving improvements in the entire water treatment value chain (manufacturing-wastewater generation-post-treatment of water).

  • Development and successful application of rapid prototyping methodology of Digital Twins for energy and production optimization to the wastewater generation and treatment value chain associated to a manufacturing process. 
  • Integral enhancements to energy, water and environmental efficiency along the manufacturing and water treatment process using the Digital Twin as an applied operational improvement analysis tool. 
  • Maximize the integration of energy resources, mainly from renewable generation, through the integration analysis provided by process Digital Twins. 
  • Obtaining a prototype for the application of the previously mentioned methodology with the capacity to be applied to different sectors. 


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  • Definition of good energy practices and definition of new efficiency and eco-innovation indicators in the context of the industrial application of the project. 
  • Diagnosis of cause-effect relationships derived from sensitivity analyses in water treatment processes. 
  • Methodology for creating and deploying GDs in the industrial water treatment sector. 



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