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Pilot plants

At ITE, we continue to advance in our goal of being a benchmark in the application of cutting-edge technologies. Learn about our pilot plants and how they can help you develop your business project.
Electromagnetic Compatibility

LaboratoryElectromagnetic Compatibility

Campos electromagnéticos

In this laboratory, measurements and simulations of electromagnetic fields produced by electrical elements are performed in order to determine the electromagnetic compatibility of their environment, as well as their intensity.

These tests can benefit companies involved in occupational risk assessment, power generation and/or distribution companies, as well as engineering companies involved in electrical infrastructure projects.

It is essential to know whether the new infrastructures will comply with the limits established by the different European and international regulations, both from the point of view of the limits established for workers and for the general public. Therefore, during the design of new equipment or electrical infrastructure projects, the simulation of electromagnetic fields is created in the laboratories. Once the electrical infrastructures are in operation, thanks to the tests carried out by the laboratory, it will be possible to guarantee that the electromagnetic fields generated by the infrastructure remain below the established limits.

List of laboratories

Modern societies face the challenge of achieving sustainable energy development.
Climate and environment
Environmental tests are used to verify and analyse the behavior of equipment, devices and/or materials...
The Calibration Laboratory has the technical, material and human capacity to ensure that the measuring instruments used for testing and supervision...
The ITE High Voltage Laboratory has exceptional facilities for testing equipment linked to ITE R+D+I in areas of very high voltage and high current, impulsive.
Legislation requires that all instruments, devices and measurement systems pass State Metrological Control.
Energy Storage
The battery testing laboratory is focused on the testing of lithium batteries from cell to pack level.