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At the Energy Technological Institute (ITE) we have the objective of facilitating companies and society in the process of sustainable and efficient energy transition.
Capital equipment and advanced electronics

Capital equipment and advanced electronics

A state of the art technological level

At ITE we enhance the capabilities of each company by manufacturing and supervising capital goods to find new opportunities to improve, streamline processes and reduce costs.

Our objective is the development of energy control systems, whether stand-alone or integrated, as well as the incorporation of new ICT functionalities that enable progress in the ecological transition of various sectors, such as the automotive industry.

Promoting cooperation between technology and the economy

Making the decision to invest in innovation and technology involves not only optimizing energy storage applications in the short and long term, but also managing renewable resources efficiently and transporting electrical energy effectively.

ITE’s experience in the research and implementation of energy projects allows us to establish different functions of the models creating a strategic uniformity, as well as simplifying the professional’s activities during the installation, wiring and maintenance of the systems.

Strategic lines

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Sustainable Mobility
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Sustainability and decarbonization
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Networks of the future
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H2 Renewable
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Energy communities
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related laboratories

Climate and environment
In this laboratory, measurements and simulations of electromagnetic fields produced by electrical...
The Calibration Laboratory has the technical, material and human capacity to ensure that the measuring instruments used for testing and supervision...
The ITE High Voltage Laboratory has exceptional facilities for testing equipment linked to ITE R+D+I in areas of very high voltage and high current, impulsive.
From the Electrical Safety laboratory, we carry out the evaluation of the conformity of electrical and electronic equipment...
The High Energy Laboratory is a unique context in which the Technological Institute of Energy (ITE) and the Textile Institute (AITEX) collaborate.

Pilots plants

The goal is for companies to develop their own energy solutions to manage energy efficiently...
The H2 pilot plant has been developed in order to offer companies an innovative technological ecosystem where equipment and components...

Related projects

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